Chicken Pesto Pasta with Mozzarella

This recipe takes me back a few years ago, we were at Dan & Chelle’s house for a progressive dinner. We started at one house and had an appetizer, moved to the next house for a salad, then went on to another for the main dish and ended at my house for dessert! Progressive dinners are so fun! We really need to do another one because it was fun too see everyones house all decorated for Christmas! What I want to talk to you about that night is the amazing main dish that Michelle made. She made this super easy pasta and I remember devouring it. It had a pesto sauce which I normally turn my nose up at anything green. I loved it though!  She made this pasta a little bit ago and it made me want to try it myself. All of the ingredients can easily be brought rom Costco (my favorite store!) I want to share with you how easy it is, because we all know I’m about the easy meals!


11 oz Basil pesto(half a Costco jar)

16 oz fresh mozarella( half of the Costco package)

3 chicken breasts, diced

17 oz pasta, any kind(I used gemelli)

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

salt and pepper



  1. Start by heating a big pot of water and bring to a boil.
  2. Add some oil to a skillet and cook your diced chicken util cooked through. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. While chicken is cooking boil your pasta until al dente.
  4. Dice your mozzarella and halve your tomatoes.
  5. After chicken is cooked through and pasta is cooked and drained pour your pesto and mozzarella in the pot and stir until cheese is melted.
  6. Throw in your cherry tomatoes and serve right away.

I served mine with some yummy sourdough bread that I picked up at the store and a salad.

I’m not kidding around when I say this meal was super easy. I told my kids they couldn’t say it looked gross until they tried it. (They often do this!) Because it was green, I knew they would say that and to my surprise they all loved it and had seconds! Give this one a try and let me know what you think of it and most of all thank Dan & Chelle for such an amazing dinner idea! I feel like these are the meals that make getting through life a little easier. Some (most) nights I don’t have time to spend forever on a meal. Most nights I’m lucky if I can get something on the table besides a bowl of cereal. These items are all from Costco, so what’s great about that is I only used half and froze the other mozzarella and pesto to save for another time. Which is only making my life easier in the future. I’m all about easy meals that don’t take too much time away from my family.

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  • Awesome meal! Just made it for my family and I’m only 14 I love your family and all the hard work you do want to be just like you!?